Wednesday, October 3, 2012

(Almost) Weekly Wednesday: What's Going On With Us

Okay, okay. We know. This is a book blog, and chances are, you're coming on this blog to read about books. Oh, don't worry! We have plenty of book reviews here, so you can get your fill with one of those. But we thought that we'd also have a little update day where we give you guys the scoop on what has been happening in our lives! If you have any awesome ideas on what we should call this (almost) weekly post, let us know in the comments and we might just give you a shout out in the next (Almost) Weekly Wednesday.

But down to business.

  1. Meg and I have been furiously trying to read through dozens of books to get reviews posted, but even with two people, that's difficult. At the moment, I'm reading three books (one for pleasure, two for school) and Meg is reading three books (all for pleasure, lucky duck). However, reading so many books slows the reviews down, especially mine, because I'm pretty certain you guys don't want a review about a book set in an African tribe fifty years ago. Or maybe you do. I've never been good at reading people, only books (HA!). I finished a novel just yesterday, so the review for that will be up shortly, I promise!
  2. Two days ago, Meg put up a review for Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson (if you haven't read that post yet, check it out), and it has already had A LOT more hits than we usually get (I won't tell you specifics- I can't divulge ALL our secrets) . This is partly due to the help of Ms. Anderson herself, who retweeted our blog post to her 16000 followers, and for that, we shall forever be indebted to her! We are also forever indebted to everyone that clicked the link and read Meg's blog post! Thanks so much for all the support and love you sent our way, even if you did say "This SUCKS and I hate it!" AT LEAST YOU TALKED ABOUT OUR BLOG!
  3. We will be trying our very hardest to put up lots and lots of goodies for you guys, especially with Halloween right around the corner. Perhaps we'll make some lists of books... I don't really know yet! You guys are our audience, and unless you tell us what you want to see, we'll just put up stuff WE would want to see. I highly doubt any of you want to watch horror movies that have Meg and I getting killed by a panda bear. Or maybe you do. I just really hope you don't.
  4. SIDE NOTE: Meg and I went to go watch Pitch Perfect with a couple of our friends last weekend (it came out early where we live) and I have to tell you that it was FABULOUS! It comes out on Friday everywhere, so if you haven't already purchased your tickets, get them right now! Fat Amy is waiting for you!
 We love you guys SO SO MUCH! Whether you're from the United States, India, China, Russia, the UK or Canada, you're so amazingly awesome, we can't barely stand it! We'll be sure to have something soon to let you know how much we appreciate you, and all of that jazz.

-Meg and Liz

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