- We accept books in paper format only. E-books and audiobooks will not be accepted. Depending on our level of interest, we will consider self published books.
- When sending requests for reviews, please contain the publisher, release date, author and title in the email. Those are very important aspects for us to have in our review.
- Our reviews will be honest, and contain the true opinion of the author reading it. We cannot guarantee that the review will contain all positive points, and it is likely there will be some negative opinions of the book. The opinion of one author does not reflect the opinion of the other.
- We will attempt to read the books as quickly as possible, but due to our schedule of other reviews to be published, we might not be able to read it in time. If you have any review copies that you need reviewed by a specific time, please let us know in the email, as we might have to decline your request should it interfere with any schedule we've already created.
- Books will be read by the author most suited to that specific genre. If you want a certain author to read a review copy, please let us know in the email. It generally won't change our decision in accepting the request, but it could should the interest not be there for that specific blog author.
- We will be quoting from the book to reinforce our opinion, although we will not quote from ARC copies.
We will get back to you as soon as possible!
-Meg and Elizabeth
These requirements are subject to change at any time, and by the authors' discretion.We are not paid book bloggers, but we do try to keep our reviews professional. We're just a couple of gals typing away at their computers at the end of the day, and though we don't want that to put you off about us, we also thought it would be fair to let you know.
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