Friday, August 31, 2012

Review: Dead End by Jason Myers

Title/Author: Dead End, Jason Myers

Publication date: June 14th 2011

Publisher: Simon Pulse

Source: My library

Rating: 4/5 Guns 

It was purely coincidental that I found this book. I was not looking for a book like this nor was I expecting to find one. But when I saw Dead End laying on the shelf I had to pick it up; what can I say? I'm drawn to black and white. And after reading the back I was drawn in even more. 

Dru and Gina are young, in love, and can’t wait to get out of Marshall, Nebraska, a town where bloodline means everything and whoever has the money makes the rules. But all their dreams are shattered when Gina has a monstrous run-in with the son of the richest man in Marshall—an incident that leaves her broken, battered, and violated.
Driven by rage, Dru and Gina take matters into their own hands, and quickly find themselves in over their heads. Without any other options, Dru and Gina are on the run. But there’s more chasing them than they think, and love might not be enough to save them.

I thought it would cure my hunger for a good romance that has action at every turn. Little did I know, it was not what i expected. In fact, I was pretty blown out of the water.

If you are looking for a book that is sweet, sensitive, and isn't depressing; you are looking in the wrong place my friend. I am going to warn you right now. If you read this book, it will first make you wonder if the world is actually that f*cked up, then if you come to the conclusion that it is, how it became that way. There is rape in this story, if you hadn't figured that out from the back description. Just saying.

Now, I gave this book four out of five guns. Why? Because it's actually very good. The plot was extremely original, which i found very refreshing, and the characters were very well detailed and had a depth to them that I haven't seen in many books. It started out a bit slow but that was changed after the first couple of chapters. Then the rest was fast paced which kept my interest alive, but it didn't make me confused (which can easily happen). It was also very good at bringing me to tears, which is my way of saying it got emotional at all the right times.

The ending was... Shocking. Shocking and memorable and pretty depressing. There's really no other words to describe it. It was so shocking and memorable and depressing that when I am ninety and sitting on my front porch i will still remember the name of this book and everything that happened in it. But please, don't let me put you off of reading it, I just want you to know what your getting into if you do decide to open its covers.

**As a note, it does switch from third person to first person and so forth.

Thank you for reading my first review. If you have read this book, don't be afraid to email me about it at nouveaunovels (at) hotmail (dot) com. We can chat about it or even have a heated discussion if that's what you want. I LOVE talking to new people.
- Meg ;)

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