Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Hello Friends!

Welcome to our awesome new book blog, Nouveau Novels. Meg and I are just two girls that have a love of reading and writing and want to join the community of book lovers everywhere. Perhaps you've gotten the wrong idea from the title, and you're thinking Wow, are these girls just going to post about French novels? No, of course not! Mostly, we'll be writing about the latest and hopefully greatest young adult novels on the market because, well, we are young adults. We do, however, have a taste for the more mature literature (please hold back your scoffs) and will occasionally do a review for an adult novel.

We like most anything, especially when we're putting our heads together. I (Elizabeth) tend to like books that are contemporary young adult, memoirs, chick lit, dystopian, and so on. Meg, on the other hand, is into the dark fiction, the fantasy, the vampires, the werewolves. So if you have any of those same tastes in books, be sure to stick around!

We'll have lots of different formats in which we review books. Some will be written, others might be in video format, and whatever else we can think of. Meg and I are pretty crafty when we put our heads together, so hopefully we'll have lots of new and exciting ways to make book reviews more interesting.

Please don't hesitate to leave a comment below letting us know any books you think we should review. Be sure to check out our Review Policies if you want to send us any ARCs or books you want us to talk about. And remember that if you have any comments or questions, drop us a line at nouveaunovels (at) hotmail (dot) com
Also, be sure to follow us on Twitter for updates on new blog posts!

Cheers and Happy Reading!
Meg and Liz

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